Thursday, August 2, 2007

Graduate Studies in Teahnongy Reflection Readings

The ABC's of Web Site Evaluation: Teaching Media Literacy in the Age of the Internet
By Kathleen Schrock (2002)

The ability to obtain research based information that is accurate and relevant from the internet appears to be a primary focus Schrock tries to convey in her article, "Teaching Media Literacy in the Age of the Internet". The author provides a multitude of criteria which if used, can be of great benefit to both students and teachers while on their quest through Web pages in search of critical information. Although these criteria are all important, there are a few that stand out over the rest.
There are many sites that contain unreliable authors therefore it is pertinent to check for familiar names, email address, and that the source came from a reliable link. Another factor to check for is bias information. Avoid these sites if they have words that try to influence rather than report. Citations are of major importance. Look for sites that have good bibliography sources. Make sure sites have dates that are current and that the sites are navigation friendly.
By checking for the use of Netscape navigation or Internet explorer browsers, the students can be assured that their site is on the "up and up". Another important tip is not to go to a site just because it's deemed "popular". Just because it is popular does not make it erudite or intellectual. Teachers and students can avoid this problem by checking the site on or
Schrock concludes with some very good advise, use the 5 W's to each site looked at to determine it's credibility and character. She supports the idea that teachers and students alike must become "digitally literate" in order to move forward in this rapidly changing age of technology.
TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2007